およそ 1 万円が君の取り分だの英語
- About 10,000 yen is due to you.
半々の取り分: fifty-fifty split
おおよそ 1: 1. close on 2. more or less 3. something on the order of おおよそ 2 【副】 1. approximately〔 【略】 approx.〕 2. roughly
およそ 1: 1. ca〈ラテン語〉 2. give or take 3. in rough 4. in the neighborhood of 5. something on the order of 6. somewhere between 7. somewhere in the region of およそ 2 【形】 estimated〔 【略】 est.〕 およそ 3 【前】 1. ar
およそ1年前: a year or so ago
四分六の取り分: sixty-forty split
残余財産の取り分: share of the residual property
遺産の子どもの取り分: child's part
およそ1世紀前に: about a century ago
およそ: およそ 凡そ about roughly as a rule approximately
およそ~: 1. a matter of 2. something like 3. somewhere about [around] およそ 1 1. ca〈ラテン語〉 2. give or take 3. in rough 4. in the neighborhood of 5. something on the order of 6. somewhere between 7. somewhere
取り分: 取り分 とりぶん one's share or portion とりわけ especially above all
テーブルスプーン食物の取り分け用: tablespoon
私の取り分はどのくらいですか?: Where do I come in?
~のパイの取り分が減るようになる: leave ~ with a smaller slice of the pie
おおよそ: おおよそ 大凡 about roughly as a rule approximately